Really fast
Our average wired upload and download speeds are 900Mbps.
See for yourself when you get connected
What does 900Mbps feel like?
Imagine downloading an entire music album within a second and an HD-quality movie in less than a minute.
We turn that imagination into reality.
How do I take advantage of all that speed?
If you want the strongest and fastest possible connection, we recommend connecting your device directly to the router via a Cat 6 (or above) Ethernet cable.
This will ensure that no speed is lost over WiFi.
Will I get the full speed over WiFi?
Environmental factors around the home (such as distance from the router, furniture, and walls) will naturally dilute the speeds over WiFi connection.
Here's what to expect from a WiFi connection
What if I'm using a mesh system?
A mesh system will improve the range of the WiFi but it will reduce the maximum speed given by all dual-band routers.